St Michael's Camberley

Growing Joy and Hope



       Hello and a very warm              welcome to our church

        Growing Joy and Hope


Click on: St Michael's Church and Churchyard

26th January 2025

Sermon Series:  

The Life of Jesus

Jesus as the Fulfilment of Scripture


Holy Communion

Preaching: Rev'd Pippa Ford

Presiding: Rev'd Pippa Ford


Morning Service 

& The Spring

Leading: Rev'd Pippa Ford

  Preaching: Rev'd Pippa Ford

Presiding: Rev'd Pippa Ford

Prayers: Hilary Turner



TUESDAY 11th FEB 7:30-8:30pm in the hall

Come and join us as we seek 

God's presence and guidance for our Church

There is a link below to the songs that we are using here at  St Michaels so you can listen to them and become familiar with them - just scan the photo when on Spotify and it will come up with the playlist!


We have set up a Spotify account for the worship group and congregation to help your worship and learning the songs we use at church. Here is a QR code to it:

Spotify QR Code

And a link:

8.50am Morning Prayer - Monday to Friday

Morning Prayer

Visit the Church Calendar on this website for the Zoom link for each day

     Diocese of Guildford - Safeguarding


The Diocese of Guildford is committed to achieving the best possible standards of safeguarding. Here you’ll find advice, information and resources to help, along with signposting for those who may wish to access support.

To report or discuss a safeguarding concern, please contact our Safeguarding Team -  Hilary Turner 07747301716 and at 


To report or discuss a safeguarding concern, please contact the Safeguarding Team at Guildford Diocese on 01483 790379 or email Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm. 

If someone is at immediate risk of harm, please call 999 in an emergency. 

Contact Us/Feedback

Charity Number: 1132852