St Michael's Camberley



       Hello and a very warm              welcome to our church

        Growing Joy and Hope


Click on: St Michael's Church and Churchyard

July 28th 2024

Sermon Series: 

 Summer in the Psalms 

Summer in the Psalms

Psalm 139


Book of Common Prayer

Holy Communion

Preaching: Rev'd Pippa Ford
Presiding: Rev'd Pippa Ford



Morning Service 

with All Age Communion

Leading: Carole Simons

  Preaching: Tori Burness-Smith

Presiding: Rev'd Pippa Ford

Prayers: Tony Carter

Creatives Connect

Summer Funday

Sunday evenings 6pm - 7pm

Come and join us as we seek 

God's presence and guidance for our Church

There is a link below to the songs that we are using here at  St Michaels so you can listen to them and become familiar with them - just scan the photo when on Spotify and it will come up with the playlist!


We have set up a Spotify account for the worship group and congregation to help your worship and learning the songs we use at church. Here is a QR code to it:

Spotify QR Code

And a link:

8.50am Morning Prayer - Monday to Friday

Morning Prayer

Visit the Church Calendar on this website for the Zoom link for each day


Pippa Ponders

We gathered yesterday to worship God together and it was such a joy to see the children up at the front of church dancing and singing.

Their joy in worshipping is infectious and helps the rest of us, who are sometimes very British in our reserved worship, to remember that we should and can be joy filled in our worship and beyond.

 After our services we had a lovely time of fellowship, sharing a bring and share lunch together.

The purpose of our lunch was to pray for the young people in our church, in our youth group, in our toddler group, in our local schools and the wider community.

 In Matthew 18  we read - The disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”

 He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 

Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.  And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.

 We have a beautiful window in the nave here at St Michael’s that depicts Jesus with little children on his lap and at his feet. Not only are we to welcome children and help them to worship Jesus, we are to become like children ourselves in our worship of Him. That does not mean we become childish but childlike. We are to have trust in Him, like a child who trusts, knowing that Jesus has plans and purposes for us. Being childlike is also about honesty in our relationships with one another and most importantly with Jesus; He knows the difficulties and issues we have in our lives and so we can and should be honest with Him about those.  And then of course we are to have childlike enthusiasm – to be excited about what God is doing in our lives and the life of our church.

 During our Waiting on God session last night, we had the following Hymn which sums this up beautifully:

 The King is among us, His Spirit is here; let’s draw near and worship, let songs fill the air!

 He looks down upon us, delight in His face, enjoying His children’s love, enthralled by our praise.

 For each child is special, accepted and loved – a love gift from Jesus to His Father above.

 We are each God’s precious children so let’s trust Him, be honest with Him and be enthusiastic in our worship of Him.

Let’s watch and learn from the children amongst us  – after all they are leaders too in God’s kingdom.


                                                with love, 


Rev'd Pippa Ford, Vicar at St Michaels Church Camberley


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