St Michael's Camberley

Growing Joy and Hope



       Hello and a very warm              welcome to our church

        Growing Joy and Hope


Click on: St Michael's Church and Churchyard

October 27th 2024

Sermon Series:  

Kingdom Hospitality

Kingdom Hospitality

A Feast on the Beach


Holy Communion

Preaching: Carole Simons

Presiding: Rev'd Pippa Ford


Morning Service with

 All Age Communion

Leading:Emily-Grace Sainsbury

  Preaching: Carole Simons

Presiding: Rev'd Pippa Ford

Prayers: Rev'd Pippa Ford


Sunday evenings 5pm - 6pm

Come and join us as we seek 

God's presence and guidance for our Church

There is a link below to the songs that we are using here at  St Michaels so you can listen to them and become familiar with them - just scan the photo when on Spotify and it will come up with the playlist!


We have set up a Spotify account for the worship group and congregation to help your worship and learning the songs we use at church. Here is a QR code to it:

Spotify QR Code

And a link:

8.50am Morning Prayer - Monday to Friday

Morning Prayer

Visit the Church Calendar on this website for the Zoom link for each day

Please note a healing event has been publicised locally for Saturday 26th October at St Michael's church. We cannot endorse this event as we do not know those involved and it is nothing to do with the ministry of St Michael's church. The event is now not taking place.


Pippa Ponders

 I’m going on a journey next week but the journey I will be taking is not about how far I am going to travel –  next week I will be journeying through the joys of watercolour on an art retreat. And I’m sure where I end up on the last day of the course will be different from what I expect at the start of the course.

That’s quite a picture of life too isn’t it. Things don’t end up as we expect. If we knew in advance some of the things we have had to walk through in life, we might not even have embarked on some of the journeys we have taken in life.

And of course, this is even more true of our Christian walk. I wonder when you first decided to follow Jesus whether you expected your journey of faith to look like the one you have travelled. Just take a moment to think about your own journey of faith. Going on journeys is part of who we are – we have to keep moving forwards in our lives with God, otherwise we become stagnant in our faith. God always has something new and fresh for us to discover in our walk with him.

But what about those times of deep disappointment in our lives? Times where we had hoped the journey would be exciting and full of promise, and yet the reality is very far removed from that. This is the reality for two of Jesus’ followers, his disciples journeying together, walking along the Emmaus Road. Instead of being excited about their journey they are walking along feeling disheartened, hopeless and in fear.

They had hoped that Jesus, as their leader, would defeat the Romans who occupied their land and bring victory, but instead Jesus had died on the cross.

Jesus joins them on their journey to Emmaus  but it is only then when Jesus takes some of the bread at the meal and breaks it that their eyes are opened to see who he really is. As they are invited to eat with Jesus – only then do they really see him. Then they can see that the suffering and death that he went through was not a defeat but the path to new life.

So, what about us, what about our own journeys?

Do we realise Jesus is walking with us every step of the way, he never leaves us and is always there in the good times and the bad.

Do you need a fresh awareness of his presence through the Holy Spirit today?

He always comes when we call upon him by praying the ancient prayer of the church – Come Holy Spirit.  


Rev'd Pippa Ford, Vicar at St Michaels Church Camberley


     Diocese of Guildford - Safeguarding


The Diocese of Guildford is committed to achieving the best possible standards of safeguarding. Here you’ll find advice, information and resources to help, along with signposting for those who may wish to access support.

To report or discuss a safeguarding concern, please contact our Safeguarding Team -  Hilary Turner 07747301716 and at 


To report or discuss a safeguarding concern, please contact the Safeguarding Team at Guildford Diocese on 01483 790379 or email Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm. 

If someone is at immediate risk of harm, please call 999 in an emergency. 

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Charity Number: 1132852