St Michael's Camberley

Growing Joy and Hope



       Hello and a very warm              welcome to our church

        Growing Joy and Hope


Click on: St Michael's Church and Churchyard

9th February 2025

Sermon Series:  

The Life of Jesus

Jesus calling the disciples


Holy Communion

Preaching: Rev'd Pippa Ford

Presiding: Rev'd Pippa Ford

No community breakfast this week


Morning Service

with Holy Communion 

& The Spring


Rev'd Pippa's Leaving Service and Lunch afterwards

Leading: Rev'd Pippa Ford

  Preaching: Rev'd Pippa Ford

Prayers: Tony Carter


Pippa's Final Ponder

We had a wonderful celebratory service yesterday with two adults being baptised in our All Age service. What a sign that God is clearly at work here at St Michael’s and a real encouragement as this church enters an interregnum – a time without a vicar - as it is my last Sunday here this weekend.

I will have served as the vicar here for the complete four years as I was installed on the 8th February 2021.


This was the description of the vicar you hoped for in the parish profile, that led me to apply for the post here: We are praying for someone who is a prayerful, discerning Christian who has Christ at the centre of all they do. They will be an enthusiastic disciple and a good teacher at all levels, who is able to communicate Bible-based teaching in an inspiring and engaging style. We are praying for someone who has a heart for change. We look for someone with experience in growing family ministry and who can work effectively as a leader with all ages.  We hope they will show a collaborative approach to build teams in the parish. We would ask that they are organised with good administration skills, and that they have a joyful and dynamic leadership.


I have loved and served this church with passion, working hard and wholeheartedly throughout my four years here as your vicar. I have honoured God and, by his grace, have achieved much of what was asked for in your new incumbent. There has been much to celebrate and be joyful about over these last four years as we have journeyed together. As one person shared with me on the day I announced my resignation – St Michael’s has been transformed over the last four years. It has been quite a journey, not least because I am the first female vicar of this church, as well as the first female vicar in the Camberley area. I have relied on God as I have sought to serve this church and to lead authentically – as the creative, visionary, pioneering vicar that God has created me to be.


God  has really been at work, we have become a younger and more diverse church, growing in our joy and hope, in our trust in God and the work of His Holy Spirit amongst us.

As St Michael’s moves into this new season it is helpful to remember the passage that I asked Bishop Andrew to preach on at my installation, in Matthew 14. It is the passage when Peter was encouraged to walk on water towards Jesus. Often in this passage we might choose to focus on Peter failing as he sinks down, but then Jesus takes him by the hand and they must have then walked back to the boat together on the water. For both St Michael’s and myself  we don’t know exactly what the future holds but we do know who holds our future. Our journey of faith is supposed to be an adventure – one which involves risks – as we trust and keep our eyes fixed on Jesus – he will lead us step by step all the way.


So let’s choose to grow in our Joy and Hope as we trust in Him in this new season ahead.

I will miss you all very much but I know that God holds the future for St Michael’s church.


With love,


2nd Tuesday MONTHLY 

TUESDAY 11th FEB 7:30-8:30pm in the hall

Come and join us as we seek 

God's presence and guidance for our Church

There is a link below to the songs that we are using here at  St Michaels so you can listen to them and become familiar with them - just scan the photo when on Spotify and it will come up with the playlist!


We have set up a Spotify account for the worship group and congregation to help your worship and learning the songs we use at church. Here is a QR code to it:

Spotify QR Code

And a link:

8.50am Morning Prayer - Monday to Friday

Morning Prayer

Visit the Church Calendar on this website for the Zoom link for each day

     Diocese of Guildford - Safeguarding


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To report or discuss a safeguarding concern, please contact the Safeguarding Team at Guildford Diocese on 01483 790379 or email Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm. 

If someone is at immediate risk of harm, please call 999 in an emergency. 

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Charity Number: 1132852