St Michael's Camberley

Growing Joy and Hope

Friends of St Michael's

Church ExteriorSt Michael’s Church has been a place of worship in Camberley and Yorktown for over 150 years, but its survival for future generations is not guaranteed unless we act now to raise funds for the maintenance and preservation of this beautiful building. 

The PCC is committed to the development of St. Michael's and the Renewal Project aims to raise funds to re-order the interior in a modern, but sympathetic manner so that we can better serve today's worshippers, repair the spire and roof and build a new, modern church hall. In the past year extensive repairs have been carried out to the Chancel. The Friends exists to support the fundraising and by becoming a member you will help secure the future of this church - to play an important  role in the lives of people living in the Camberley area, and to serve as a centre for Christian worship and service.

Generations have come to St Michael's to be married, to baptise their children, and to mourn their dead. Schoolchildren have sung and prayed, and the Royal British Legion have honoured the dead of two world wars. 

While we love this building and rejoice to use it for worship day by day and week by week, it is not the building that we would build today, if we were to start from scratch. We pay the ordinary running expenses, but we need the help of the wider community to maintain, repair and modernise the building for the foreseeable future. 

You can join the Friends for an annual minimum donation of £25 by printing and completing the application form by clicking here

As a Friend you will receive a regular newsletter and be invited to a range of events held throughout the year.