St Michael's Camberley

Photo Gallery

Church photo 1

2023 Poppies 12023 Poppies 2Church 2

Church 3 door

Church 4 Tower

Church 6 inside

St Michaels Church videoclick here

Other photos:

Christmas flowers 2022. To view photos, click <here>

Remembrance Day flowers 2022. To view photos, click <here>

Bat Walk 21-Aug-22. To view photos, click <here>

Pentecost flowers 2022. To view photos, click <here>

Easter flowers 2022. To view photos, click <here>

Palm Sunday 2022, with Rocky the donkey. To view photos, click <here>

Palm Sunday 2021, with Barney the donkey. To view photos, click <here>

Pippa's Collation, Induction and Installation. To view photos, click <here>

Christmas 2020. To view photos, click <here>

Catalina and Chris's Wedding, 19-Oct-20. To view photos, click <here>