St Michael's Camberley

Reverend Pippa Ford  
is the Vicar of St Michael's.  

Hello and a very warm welcome to our church, whether you have no faith, little faith or are somewhere along the journey of faith.

My name is Revd Pippa Ford and I am the vicar here at St Michael’s. I came here in early Spring 2021and since then God has been taking us on an exciting adventure together.

We are discovering the goodness of God and the power of his Holy Spirit to transform our lives and the lives of those in our community. We believe that God works in us and through us by the words we use and the works we do, but also through his wonders too. We are growing in our expectation of encountering him in our midst and seeing his miracles; you might even hear some of us sharing what he has been up to during our services.

I wonder, are you ready to be surprised by God? We’d love you to come to see, explore, and join in with, what he is doing here at St Michael’s. We are a very friendly bunch and welcome those who are searching to join in the journey with us.

 Revd Pippa.

The Parish Profile can be seen <here>