You have a new baby? Congratulations! We'd love to help you celebrate the great event in the way that's right for you.
Ring the office: 01276 23602 or email us telling us your phone number and where you live, and we'll talk through what happens next.
Baptisms take place during the All Age Sunday Service at 10.30am on the first Sunday of the month.
Your child is precious to you and precious to God. At baptism parents and godparents thank God for the child's life and make promises on behalf of the child which we hope the child will be able to make for themselves, when they get older, at a service called Confirmation. So Baptism isn't an end in itself but, rather, just the start of an exciting journey with God which is lifelong. At St Michael's we are here to support you in helping your child to grow in the Christian faith and learn more about God as he or she gets older.
There is no charge for baptisms, but you may like to make a donation to the church to help us with our running costs.
Still expecting? We would love to pray for you. Let us know your news.
About Baptism - an official page by the Church of England.